12 Things To Do After You Write a New Blog Post

Many bloggers struggle to get online exposure for their blog posts and reach their audience.

Those are the people that will love to visit your blog, read your articles and potentially work with you.

If this resonates with you, keep reading because in this post I’m going to share with you the steps I take myself with my clients when I finish writing a new blog post and I want the right people to know about it.

Chances are you found this post exactly through one of those steps too.

So here they are:

1. Share on Pinterest

If you write blog posts, you need to be on Pinterest.

It’s the perfect place to share your content, attract and engage with your audience, driving traffic back to your blog.

So, once you finish a new post, pin it into Pinterest. You can use a tool like Canva to create a beautiful perfect Pinterest size image with the title on it.

Make sure you pin it into the right board on your profile but also pin into group boards related to the theme.

2. Share on X (formerly Twitter)

X is also a great place to share your blog post and reach your audience.

On X though you need to share several times. This means sharing on different days and times.

You can use a tool like followerwonk to check the best times to post (when your followers are online) and you should post on those days and time, but make sure you also post on other times as well, because you also want to reach non-followers and new people.

So, for example, if your ideal day and time is Monday at 11am, share it at that time, but try and share it on the same day at 8pm too, or next day at 2pm.

My peak time at the moment is 5pm, but I make sure I share my blog posts at other times too.

Use the right hashtags!

For example, if you’re sharing a blog post about Astrology, make sure you add some related hashtags such as #astrology or #birthchart, so you reach your audience.

You can always do a search on Twitter first and see the search volume of each hashtag to see if it’s worth it to use. You don’t want to use hashtags that no one is searching for.

3. Share on Facebook

Facebook is the top social network driving traffic to websites (followed by Pinterest), so you should definitely share it here too.

If you have a page or a group, post it there and then use your personal profile to share from there into your personal page.

Also, if you’re not already doing it, I advise you to join Facebook groups related to your topics and niche, and share your blog posts in there (please read each group rules about this first).

There also many groups on Facebook just for bloggers to share their blog posts. It’s a great place to post and also to meet and connect with other like-minded people!

4. Share on bookmarking sites

Bookmarking sites are sites where you save content you love and also share/recommend it to others.

I like to submit to the these three: Digg, Reddit and Tumblr.

Bookmarking sites are great because you are telling others about your content and if you write a great post, it might even end up on the website’s homepage!

Make sure you follow relevant people on this bookmarking sites too, most fo the time they’ll follow you back!

5. Submit it to Google

Every few days Google will crawl your website and index your pages.

But if you submit your new blog post as soon as it is visible on your blog, you’ll speed up the process and make it appear on Google searches sooner.

Login to your Google Search Console to add your URL’s.

6. Share it on online discussion forums

We live so obssessed with Facebook, Instagram, X, etc, that we very often tend to neglect other places on the web that can be just the right thing to get more exposure.

There are hundreds of online discussion forums across the web on many different topics.

A discussion forum is a place where people gather to ask and respond to questions about especific topics and subjects.

So, let’s say you are a Law of Attraction coach. If you start participating in Law of Attraction discussion forums, you won’t have to search for the right audience in there or use hashtags to get to them, because all of the people in there are into the Law of Attraction and most of them are probably your audience!

So, of course read the rules of each discussion forum in terms of posting your external links and content, but on many forums you can add links to your blog posts providing you are helping others and giving value into the forum.

7. Send it to your mailing list

If you have a mailing list, send an email blast announcing your new blog post to your readers.

Make sure you clearly state the “whats-in-it-for-me” in the content of the email, explaining how that blog post will help your readers to do something, or solve a problem, so you get them excited to click and read it.

8. Use Paid Adverts

You can promote your blog posts on Facebook through “boost post” on your page, do a promoted pin on Pinterest or even use paid media on other networks such as Twitter or Instagram.

The trick here is to use the right keywords when you are creating the paid promotions and carefully select the right audience that is going to see it.

Also, write a little “teaser” of what the blog posts is about and how reading it can help your audience, this will increase your click through rate.

9. Share it on Instagram Stories

Whilst Instagram posts do not allow you to share click through links, Stories do.

So make sure you create a nice visual with the Stories format and the title of your blog post (you can use the same visual you use for Pinterest) and add it to your Stories with the link to the blog post and the right hashtag.

10. Share it on a Pinterest Link Party

I love Pinterest Link Parties!

They’re a great way to share your blog posts, connect with other people and get your content seen by a lot of people pretty quickly.

You just need to find link parties that are related to the topics you write about and then share your posts on the day of the party.

If you write great content, you might even get featured!

11. Use a sharing plugin or a social media management tool

If you got here thinking “these steps are all very interesting, but also very time-consuming”, then I’ve got the perfect solution to you.

You can also use a social media management tool to share and schedule all your updates, especially if you want to share them more than once.

I recommend using Later.com, you can access all social networks and also have access to great stats and features.

12. Share it on Quora

I absolutely love Quora! It is a great place to ask a question, find great information and also a palce to help other people with their questions.

So, how do you use it to share a blog post? You basically need to do a search based on the topic of your blog post. For example, if you wrote a post about the Law of Attraction, you’ll search for questions specifically about the Law of Attraction.

When you find a question, what you need to do is first to respond to the question and to give valuable information to the person asking it.

You want to show your knowledge and help them, and after you create this value to them, you can then say something like “I hope this helps, if you want to know more, please check this blog post with great tips” and add the link to your blog post.

If you provided great value in your answer and are really concerned with helping people, they’ll click and read your post.

If you do this regularly, you might end up being seen as an expert in your niche and even get Quora recommending other people to ask you questions directly.


  1. Kylina @bootiesandthebeast

    I never thought to submit it Google! It’s a unique tool I haven’t used with the search console. I love these tips!

    1. Carla Gadyt

      Yes to be indexed as fast as possible! Glad they are helpful! 🙂

  2. Kay

    These are great tips! Thanks so much for sharing!

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