Carla Castro e Silva – Social Media Marketing

Pinterest 8 Day Free E-Course

Pinterest is THE social network to get exposure for your online shop or for your blog.

It can drive a massive amount of targeted traffic to your website or blog, week after week.

I am totally obsessed with Pinterest and it is currently at the top of the traffic sources of my own blog:

Source: Google Analytics

But, knowing how to use Pinterest properly is not just about creating boards and pining your blog posts into them. You need to be really strategic so you’ll reach the right audience for you.

I have been using Pinterest for many years and have helped hundreds of bloggers and business owners on how to level-up their presence on this network.

And so I’ve decided to create this 8 Day Pinterest E-Course.

This e-course is so much more than just telling you to create beautiful images and relevant boards.

I’ll tell you what REALLY WORKS on Pinterest, what otherwise could take you months to find out elsewhere.

What is this Free E-Course?

You’ll receive one email per day during 8 days. Each email is focused on one key aspect of using Pinterest for blogging.

I tell you exactly what to do and how, so you can start implementing the strategy and actions immediately.

These are all things I do myself for my own blog and for my clients and get the amazing results I do.

So on this e-course I tell you exactly what I do to get this results, so you can get there too.

Easy Peasy! 🙂

Start today to up-level your presence on Pinterest!

Make sure you add the email address to your safe email list, so to make sure you receive all the emails.


To start receiving this free course today, follow these 2 steps:


1. Follow me on Pinterest: click here

2. Enter your email and subscribe the newsletter:


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Carla Gadyt, I want to thank you for the Pinterest tips you send by e-mail (your freebie, I mean), it’s helpful, super clear, straight to the point without any distraction or useless blahblah, I really appreciate thank you!!!

Morgane Morgie


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