Carla Castro e Silva – Social Media Marketing

How To Market Your Business Through Blogging – Free Guide

Whether you are a blogger that also sells products or services, or you are an online entrepreneur that also has a blog, blogging is a great way of marketing your stuff.

I do feel that it is VERY important to talk about the stuff you sell, otherwise how would people know about it, right?

And if you have great products and/or services that provide great value and help people, it definitely needs to be known.

But of course you don’t want to be too “salesy”, or push products or services in a way that only pushes your clients away.

You want to do it from an aligned place, one that feels good for you and also feels good for your audience, where they’re eager and happy to know more about it, and also buy from you.

I have been promoting stuff online for over a decade, not only for my own business but for hundreds of online businesses across the world, and I can tell immediately when a business owner is aligned between giving and receiving and connected to their audience.

In this free guide, I tell you my best 5 tips to market your business through blogging, that comes from an aligned place and create that connection with your audience.

You can choose the one that resonates better with you and your business, or you can implement them all. It’s really up to how you feel.


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